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Steps to Take to put your Type 2 Diabetes in Remission.
Being in type 2 diabetes remission does not mean you can go back to normal. Type 2 diabetes does not go away, but getting to remission can greatly improve your quality of life and your longevity. What could be better than that?
Having been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I made an almost instant decision to bring my diabetes under control and not use medication. There is a lot of a backstory between those bookends, but today, from Damndiabetes, we want to give you some tips to get your type 2 diabetes in remission.
NOTE: Please confer with your healthcare provider before changing your diet or medication.
The Struggle
I have friends with type 2 diabetes; I see them struggle with what they eat – some do not care and pump themselves full of insulin every day, while others pop the Metformin or Janumet pill before their meals.
At the extreme, there are those who don’t care. They eat what they want and do not do anything to bring their blood sugar under control. I have seen the results of this: loss of an eye, loss of toes, and serious kidney and heart impacts.
What action you take with your type 2 diabetes is your decision. All we can do is provide some alternatives and suggest to you, from our type 2 diabetes life experiences, that doing all that can be done to live a better quality of life with diabetes is not all that difficult. Yes, it is a continuing challenge, but not difficult. All you must do is make the decision to “do it,” and it is no crime if once in a while, you go off script – we know how to handle that, too.
Following are some guidelines on what you can do to bring your type 2 diabetes into remission.
The Goal for Type 2 Diabetes
The goal, if you want to live with the benefits of type 2 diabetes in remission, is to have an A1C of below 6.5 (48 mmol/mol) for at least three months after stopping medication under a doctor’s supervision.
Note: Nothing in this article applies to folks with type 1 diabetes who must take insulin for life to manage blood sugar.
Is reaching an A1C of 6.5 difficult? It is challenging, but I am a living, breathing example of having dropped my A1C from 7.8 to today, 6.0. All done without medication-free for the past 10 months. You can do it, too, and here are some guidelines to help.
Remission: Guidelines for Managing Type 2 Diabetes
Living with Type 2 diabetes doesn't have to be a lifelong sentence. With the right lifestyle changes and a proactive approach, achieving remission is a realistic goal for your. At Damndiabetes, we are here to help. Give us a shout to help you take control of your type 2 diabetes and drive it into remission following thee guidelines.
Embrace a Balanced Diet
How many times have you heard or read this? For me, I finally ignored all that I had been told and went on my own journey of discovery. Yes, I used some of the basic information to develop my own balanced diet. I cannot tell you to eat this or not eat that, as each person is unique in how their blood sugar reacts to different foods. I can suggest some guidelines that can help you get to your goals.
What I did and continue is stay away from carbohydrates and things with lots of sugar. At Damndiabetes, we can help you with this, too.
Portion Control and Mindful Eating
How much of anything you eat can make a difference. I even eat ice cream, but know if I eat too much, my blood sugar will go through the roof. “Too much” is different for each person and experimenting with foods is one of the fun challenges.
Regular Physical Activity
Getting on my stationary bicycle for 15 minutes can drop my blood sugar by 2 full points. Getting out in the fresh air and walking for 20 – 30 minutes accomplishes the same. Exercise is not only good for controlling type 2 diabetes; it is good for life. Getting beyond the sedentary lifestyle is only a change in mindset.
Weight Management
Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is crucial. Even a modest weight loss can have a significant impact on blood sugar control. Work with healthcare professionals to set realistic weight loss goals.
Consistent Monitoring
Set a daily schedule for monitoring blood glucose levels. For example, when you get up, before and two hours after meals, and before you go to bed. The best, in my view, is the “old fashioned” finger prick with Bluetooth to send the results to your telephone. I previously used constant monitoring, but the results were always too erratic to be accurate for me.
Medication Management
Medication management can be at one end, from taking any medication to continuing with Metformin or Janumet. Medication management must be managed in cooperation with your healthcare provider to best help you to your goal.
Stress Management
Stress can negatively impact blood sugar levels. We all know that. But reducing stress levels is, to me, one of the hardest things to accomplish, but not impossible. Many suggest meditation, yoga and breathing exercises – all probably good, but they never worked for me.
What worked for me was recognizing what created stress and developing a strategy to deal with it. It almost came to a character change. Let me give you a couple of examples:
When someone would get aggressive with me, I would instantly react in a similar fashion. That created stress and conflict, and who wins with that? I decided not to react instantly, taking a few seconds to decide if I wanted to “die on that hill,” attack or provide a reasoned opinion. My favourite opening now? “My opinion is....”
I do not stick my nose in where it does not belong. How often do we get frustrated and stressed about things we have no control over and are none of our business? Telling someone what they should do with their lives and everything about it before being asked is something I have learned not to do.
My wife now gets a laugh when I say, “No comment, as it is none of my business.”
Sticking to what you can control and have responsibility for can have a huge and positive impact on your stress management. Give it a try – take a breath before reacting or attacking.
Regular Medical Check-ups
Schedule regular check-ups with healthcare professionals to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan. These check-ups are essential for early detection of any potential issues. I tie this in with my regular A1C check – every three months, but your schedule is up to you and your healthcare provider.
The End
Achieving remission is a gradual process. The way to get there is as unique as the results, which may vary from person to person.
Doing what you have always done, you will get what you have always got; even if you try the same thing one thousand times, the results will not change. The only way to achieve type 2 diabetes remission is to make the decision to change. The results can be life-changing, and at Damndiabetes, we are here to help. Give us a shout; we do not bite.
Note: Please confer with your healthcare provider before changing your diet or medication.
Best wishes...