This bread is one of my attempts to find what I can eat as part of my diabetes diet. I was diagnosed having Type 2 diabetes a short while ago. Frustration first set in as I faced the reeling of instructions, dire warnings and not knowing what to do.
Thank goodness my Diabetes doctor maintained his head when all around him were losing theirs (that was me). He gave me two choices:
1. Continue to do what I was also doing and get what I always got – a short life.
2. Head on a new path to a better quality of life living with diabetes.
There was no question; I chose the path to a better quality of life living with diabetes. And then, all the challenges set in.
What could I eat for my diabetic diet? What to do about swollen feet? What is the best way to collect information that would allow me to lower my blood sugar? Should I use a sensor or the finger prick method?
I was rampant with questions and had few places to turn. This was the beginning of my passion to find answers that would help me manage my blood glucose levels towards a better quality of life living with diabetes.
And now, the caveat. This bread recipe works for me. I can take two slices per meal without any problem. Finding my limit without having an impact on my blood glucose level took a little work.
I began with a small amount of bread, and with each meal increased the amount of bread until I reached my comfortable limit. Adding to this, I have read that freezing bread and then toasting it can have a positive impact on how much can be eaten. There may be someone who can explain how that works, but as part of my diabetes research, I am going through my tests again.
The bottom line? Please make of it what you will of the information provided on this website and any recipe that you may wish to use.
Bread Equipment
Following are the pots I use to bake my bread recipe either as 2 x 1 Kg loaves or 1 x 2 Kg loaf. I usually make the 1 x 2 Kg loaf.
For the two loaves, regular bread pans work well.

For my one-loaf making, I use a 6-quart Enamel Dutch Oven.

The Dutch Oven is fabulous to cook with, on the stove or in the oven. It is one of the 3 pots we use regularly. The other two include our Betty Crocker Instant Pot and the Brod and Taylor Folding Proofer & Slow Cooker

Brod and Taylor Folding Proofer & Slow Cooker
Most are probably familiar with the Dutch Oven and Instant Pot, but the Brod and Taylor Proofer and Slow Cooker may not be as well known. The Brod and Taylor Cooker is multi-purposed, able to cook yogurt and cheese, used as a slow cooker, for proofing bread, and a multiple of other uses that require low heat.
The Ingredients
The making of this bread is done in three parts.
The first is the Levain (the mix that adds the yeast). Many may want to use a sourdough starter, which the original recipe calls for, but I have adjusted to using instant yeast for ease of making.
If you wish to substitute the yeast for a sourdough starter, leave the yeast out and add 200 grams of the sourdough starter.
This recipe takes considerable time, but minimal effort. The fridge is used for one part which can take 18 – 24 hours – all you have to do is watch the dough grow….
Step 1: Levain
60g Bread flour – I use unbleached, organic flour.
25g Whole spelt flour – I use Anita’s organic spelt flour
85g Water – I use filtered water
1/2 teaspoon of yeast food – I use Organic Raw Blue Agave Syrup.
2 tablespoons of Instant Yeast – Fleishman’s
Mix the ingredients to ensure nothing dry remains. Place in the proofer for 4 to 5 hours. The Levain will be ready when it has noticeably increased in volume and is full of bubbles.
There are three options for proofing your Levain – proofing is the rising of the mixture.
Use a Brod and Taylor slow cooker. Set the proofer to 79°F (26°C) and put the water tray in the middle of the warming plate. Pour¼ cup (60 ml) of water into the tray and place the rack on top of the tray.
Use the Yogurt Function on an Instant Pot. The automatic temperature setting for yogurt works well for proofing. Depending on your Instant Pot, though, you may have to reset the timer a few times.
Use a plastic wrap-covered bowl placed in a warm spot. This will take the most time for the Levain to be ready.
Step 2 – Autolyze
Autolyzing is the step of mixing the main ingredients and letting the mix rest for one hour which allows for the better combining of the final ingredients.
630g unbleached bread flour
315g Whole Spelt Flour
665 grams of water
Start the Autolyze 1 hour before the finish of the Levain phase. Mix the ingredients gently, cover and let rest for one hour.
Final Dough Mix
We are getting there – time to mix the ingredients from the Levain and Autolyze steps, with the following:
55g filtered water
170g of Levain or all that you have if you do not have 170 grams.
50 grams of Kosher salt
Mix the final dough: Add all the ingredients together and mix by hand until well incorporated. Turn the dough out onto the counter and slap and fold for 5 minutes. Place the dough into a large clean bowl.
Place in a warm spot and let rise for 30 minutes. Then, with the mix still in the bowl, take one side, stretch it out and fold over. Turn the bowl ¼ turn and repeat 3 more times, turning the bowl ¼ each time. Repeat this motion 2 more times, until you have gone around the circumference of the bowl.
Wait a further 30 minutes and repeat.
Let the mix rise until at least double in size. Fold again and form and size the shape you want for your final product. If using two bread pans, cut the dough in ½ and press out, roll and pinch the seams into a size that fits your pans.
If using a large pot for making one loaf, press out, roll and pinch the seams into a size that fits your pot.
Whichever you use, cover lightly with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for at least 12 hours. Up to 24 hours will work well – which gives you flexibility in your life/balance schedule. Cold proofing in the refrigerator allows the flavour to develop.
Let the dough rest, covered, on the counter for at least two hours. At the 1.5-hour mark, preheat your oven to 425 degrees F. Add a pan of water to the bottom of the oven with hot water in it to create a “mini” steam bath. This helps the dough rise.
When the oven is up to temperature – usually 20 – 30 minutes – place the bread pan(s) in the oven and cook for 30 minutes if using a covered dutch oven. Finish the last 10 minutes with the lid removed to allow the bread crust to brown.
If using open bread pans, cook for 40 minutes or to a colour you are satisfied with. Depending upon the efficiency of your oven, the cooking time may take more or less and can be determined by crust colour.
Remove the bread from the oven and turn it out onto a rack. The hardest part – let the bread cool before you dive into it.
That is it and enjoy. If you try this recipe, I would appreciate some pictures and a short story – no names will be used if I publish your success.
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Best wishes from......

Wayne Drury was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes over one year ago. He was frustrated with the lack of usable information on the treatment of diabetes and how to lower blood sugar effectively. His passion now, using all he has found with diabetes research, is helping others on a path to a better quality of life living with diabetes, which he shares on his personal website.